Sunday, April 08, 2007


We often laugh at Selma, because when she's getting ready to go to bed or for a long nap, she has to get situated just perfectly. Using teeth and paws, she can spend quite a bit of time getting her blankets, toys, mat, etc. just right. Sometimes she'll get it almost right, and then she'll step back and squint at it, let out a big sigh, and start all over.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Here I am, settling in for a marathon Constitutional Law outlining session, and I have to get my nest just right. I cleaned and sanitized the kitchen after baking muffins, did preliminary laundry sorting, put things away, etc. etc. I'm forcing myself not to start mopping or rehanging the closet door rack.

So, I may not be using my teeth to move the blankets around, but it's all the same though I have the benefit of opposable thumbs.

And now, really, I start.

1 comment:

Gummy said...

When is Selma's birthday? =) Maybe that canine is a virgo too. ^_^