Thursday, May 31, 2007

7 out of 10 women

Are wearing the wrong size bra. Including me. Though, I'm not sure it was an accurate fitting - and I think it totally depends on the store and what they have available, and different bra brands & styles fit differently. So it didn't exactly ROCK MY WORLD, Jen, but it did a little paradigm shift. OK, being told I'm a DD is quite a paradigm shift, and not all good - those are harder sizes to find.

But what really rocked my world yesterday was a less than blissful excursion to REI - where they didn't have what I needed! REI let me down! I feel so empty now.

So, my time here is spent frantically working on my papers, hanging outside to get some color, playing with the kids who are both being unbelievably fun and charming, and trying to get some shopping done in this land of no sales tax (but what's with LINEN everywhere? What an inconvenient fabric!).

Avery, king of rule changing so that he always wins, has actually been supportive and I think letting me win - which worries me some. Does that mean he thinks I'm an incompetent invalid? Is he already being gentle with the decrepit Auntie? It's fun to see him do his homework and hear his theories on the world, and to work through the things that puzzle him.

Ashton is a hoot and a half - he's so silly and self-assured that there's never a dull moment with him around. He bust a gut when I told him yesterday that my neighbor's nickname is "doo-doo" (spelled Dodo). He could not stop repeating that and telling everybody (getting him in trouble with dad, of course, who doesn't allow the potty talk).

OK, back to papers. Sigh.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


He may look sweet and innocent, but Ashton is the Shoe Nazi. He will follow me throughout the house, insisting I remove my shoes (they're not allowed in the Yamasaki house and I sometimes forget). He starts politely, reminding me verbally but I don't always understand him. So then he goes and gets my house slippers and sets them right in front of me. And if I still don't understand or am not paying attention, he'll get on the floor and start taking off my shoes. He's nothing if not persistent - and sweet along the way. Bright Oregon sunshine, hanging out in their backyard.

This is the game of "Where's Avery?" Monkey Boy hiding in the trees.

And here, I captured Monkey Boy's bee terror. Amy is allergic and the fear is hereditary.

Amy and I got some of my shopping out of my system - Costco and Trader Joe's (though, will return several times before I leave). And Stephen has really graciously ebayed for me and tried to fix my MP3 player. Yay Yamasakis!

Monday, May 28, 2007

last day in California

All good days begin at REI. Ah, such bliss and glee! Notice my hands - I can't stop fondling the REI goods.
Here's Michele and her best new friend Emery. Michele is the new proud owner of a GPS.
Then we came back and the girls came over and chilled in the hot tub. And overate. I gained 10 pounds this weekend.
Then I went over and saw Martin and Sally in their nice new big house. Three bedrooms ... they need to get busy!
Tomorrow, on to Oregon.

I'm not saying Michele's cat is possessed by Satan

But you be the judge.

it takes a college grad ...

It's all about Michele, Day 2: walking up to brunch at Cal Baptist (Shirley, Michele, Christine, Pam).

All the brunch gang is here: Christine, Shirley, Michele, me, Joan, Lina; front: Pam, Sabine. What you can't see is the go-cart in front that we almost egged Pam and Christine into hot-wiring and taking us all for a joyride on back.

Michele, VERY excited about Jen's muscle definition. Sabine and Christine, not so much.
After brunch we came back home and chilled a bit before heading over to Janna's for a big bash. Sorry no pics - I guess I was a little self-conscious about photographing since I didn't know most people. Hung with Kat, Lina, and Joan, then Darlene, Walter, Laura, and Johnny, and then Keith and Wendy's husband Bretz (whose father's family is from New Orleans - it's funny, from the instant I saw him I liked him, and that's probably exactly what it is). Took off and tried to swing by Selin's house in Blue Thunder, but she wasn't home.

Throughout the day I tried to work on my write-on competition papers. I read quite a number of cases and articles and hopefully I'll finish that up tomorrow so I can write the rest of the week while in Portland. Don't know how I'll possibly finish them, but it'll work out.

I also enjoyed a nice dip in Michele's pool - and at 76 degrees it was chilly enough to wake me up a bit. It is really a Southern California paradise back there with the pool and jacuzzi and swing and covered patio. She just needs some landscaping and she's set.

The humor highlight of the evening, however, was my sleeping accommodations. When I came I volunteered to sleep on the blow-up mattress. It felt like a bad water bed and I didn't sleep so hot, but I sucked it up. Tonight I asked Michele to put more air in it, and when she realized that the valve needed to be open to put air into the top section, suddenly it went from about four inches thick to a good two feet - and hopefully better sleep will be had. I can't stop laughing about it though.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Michele's big day!!

Michele graduated! Woo hoo!

In some of these pics, it may be a game of "Where's Michele?" but she's there.

Other fun yesterday included building an Ikea table with straight German girls ...

And Michele's graduation pre-party, where we all admitted we're humbled by her friendship. Sorry no pics - I think I got photographed out at the ceremony.

Friday, May 25, 2007

I was almost killed tonight in Ralph's parking lot

And it wasn't that So Cal gang violence. Nope. Just my friend Jenny who was annoyed with my Madeleine jokes and decided to decapitate me as putting Southern Comfort in the trunk.

But, I'm alive and blogging.

Sabine and I started off the day at Ikea, as all good consumers do. Here is a school group - check out the yellow hats. In what universe is Ikea as good a field trip as a museum? Sigh. Sabine and our 99 cent breakfast.
Successful purchases!
In the Delta Flyer, which actually made it all the way there and back. Without A/C.
Chilling poolside at Michele's.
Krista, the "new squeeze" after she just extinguished a cigarette.

Shirley learning her fortune from Madame Sabine.
Horizontal Jenny. Again.
Eva, looking German.
Our dinner of the evening: pupusas. Flying Saucer Pupusas. Yummilicious.
The Pupusa Girl Gang.
Jen is way flipping excited to drive us to Ralph's to get Campari and Southern Comfort, just before the decapitation attempt. Now I know what this expression means.

another day jampacked with fun

Poor kitties do love each of us Ko-campers individually (they're both quite affectionate when Michele isn't around, because they know she gets jealous), but they were a little under-thrilled when their full home invasion began. Though, I will say, after this pic Coal demanded loves and Cowvin tried to push him out of the way to get his - so they're still assertive kitties even though here they look huddled in fear.

After Shirley and I went for a nice neighborhood walk, we came home and I took a shower. When I entered the shower, Shirley was reading a book on the couch. When I got out of the shower, there was a hubbub of activity ... which I of course had to investigate while in a towel rather than waiting to get dressed.

First, the pool guy was there, getting the waters in Camp-Ko shape.

Then, Joan and Lina came over and brought Michele's graduation present - some great patio lounging chairs. Yes, her house is once again resembling the party destination we all know and love.

Then Joan and Lina and I set to work with the real task of the day: emptying Michele's liquor cabinet, er, making jello shots. We only made about 130 but they have a couple more batches to make.

Aren't they pretty? They're pretty much sterilizing Joan's refrigerator.

Then Lalo and I got to hang out, planning our Cuba trip which I think will really happen - woo hoo! The only real question is if to go through Cancun or Nassau. We caught up and then went to dinner with Shirley and Perla, Lalo's girlfriend whose classes were fortunately cancelled just so she could meet up with us.
She gave him this cool Cuban-looking hat. Yes Lalo, you look cool. :)

And here she is behind a cloud of steam with her shrimp fajitas.

Then we went to the city where I used to teach and spent about an hour and a half driving through all the streets looking for a former student whom I worried will drop out and whose foster mother doesn't support properly. Unfortunately we couldn't find it and I think Perla got carsick and now knows the full extent of my oddness. Fortunately we met this really, really nice family who invited me in and tried their darndest to help me out and thought it was so sweet of me to try so hard. I think it's most kids' worst nightmare that their teacher shows up at their doorstep.
Then Lalo dropped me off at Sabine's house and we caught up before I collapsed in exhaustion and got 6 full hours of sleep, which is the most I've gotten in quite some time. I'm here for tonight as well, and we have a fun-packed day ahead of us.
At some point I must, must, must do the writing competitions but I'm so NOT in the mood.
Well, we're off to Ikea for breakfast and furniture - a lovely combination. Sabine has just moved into her new house and needs to stock up on some things, and I need to carouse about there. I'm way nervous about driving her old car that tends to break down, but it'll be fine.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

thanks to Brenda!

Oh, I forgot to post earlier - huge thanks to Brenda! (Tami's mom) I drove my truck over to Slidell to park it there on the street in front of Tami & Ahmed's house because that's where it's insured, and Brenda decided it would be better to park it in front of her and Dave's house because they have a three-car driveway. So, most excellent! No worries about the truck while I'm gone!

And, everybody needs to check regularly for breast cancer! Shirley found hers when she was 42, and my landlady is about 44. Gail told me several of our former students' moms have had it. It's way common, people, and hitting at younger and younger ages. So do the self-exams and talk to your doctors!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Camp Ko and the stalker is not me

Camp Ko in session! The first campers have arrived ... Shirley, Joan, Kat, and our fearless leader Michele.

So while Michele was on the phone with her new squeeze and SMOKING (I canNOT believe she started that shit again - ARGH! This is what happens when I leave town), her cell phone rang. I looked at it and didn't recognize the name so decided to wait until she was off the phone to tell her.

Then as soon as she was off, the house phone rang. "Do you know there's a strange man parked in your driveway?" the voice inquired.

This random guy, who as Michele likes to point out is a tall black man, was parked outside staring in the house.

Of course he's neither random nor strange - it's her buddy from school, swinging by to pick up a book. But I gotta say - I do love not being the stalker in the room.

Sierra flashback

Great Sierra memories - here I am with Jeffrie, Andrea, Martha, and "Luscious 'Lissa" (Melissa's porn name).

Um, Martha? Gang signs? Babe, you're almost a teacher now! And you're worse than the kids - next thing we know you'll be showing us your drawers with your low-riding pants. (BTW, these pics were taken by some random kid who was walking out of school. There was no adult around in the office because the carnival was in session, so I looked out and grabbed the first kids who were walking past. One kid was rushing home to not be in trouble, and the other kindly helped out and took the pics. I don't remember exactly what he looked like, but his hair was dyed black and I think there were piercings and such, and all dressed in black - sort of mini-goth. My point only? Sierra kids ROCK, which I've always known, and kids are awesome in general even if they look kinda sketchy. Stereotypes are what limit intergenerational communication, not some angry teen.)
Sharon in her usual hair style (and me avoiding those really sharp spikes!).
Me and Gail.
Gail-directed self-portrait.
Then Gail & I went for peds and ran into Jeffrie.
Then out for pho and spring rolls.

What a great first day here in SoCal! And more fun to come!! :)