Sunday, October 22, 2006


Dayton just called me - CeCe got very sick very quickly, she's vomiting, very weak, etc. He is at the hospital with her in Accra. I'll post updates here as I learn them.

I'm racking my brain for what it could be. Cholera hit the camp there last year, but I didn't think it came on so fast (oh - it does). Ditto for typhoid. The good news is both of those things are treatable when caught quickly. It could also be malaria - but Dayton is well-acquainted with that, and the clinic nearby usually takes care of it - so it must have been different and very serious for him to take her to the hospital.

I had just sent some money to Dayton - for birthday gift for CeCe and for a new phone for him so we could actually talk (his phone kept shutting off) and for sending paperwork to me. Thank goodness for that - the hospital there isn't cheap and they will not treat if you don't have ready cash.

He sounded, of course, frantic, and I wish I were there to help.

So here, for anybody reading, is an interesting shift in realities. You see those TV commercials and you think, "Oh, that's horrible children are suffering so!" and you want to help and you rail and the unjustness of the world - but honestly, they're far away and what can you do. But here, she's my family, so if you and I are "chosen family" then she's part of your family too. She's not just some little girl in Africa who you don't know.

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