Saturday, October 07, 2006


Recent email response to my email asking Superdome Puerto Rican what the reading for next Spanish class is-

Hola [insert my name here]:

Estoy muy ocupado en preparación para mi próxima visita a Wal-Mart. Pero saque tiempo para enviarte la asignación. Espero que vayas a clase preparada.

Muchísimas gracias,
[His name here]

He is, as I told him, plain wicked in his sense of humor.

But the cool part is that I didn't know the word "saque" - but it looks like it's related to "loot." I always wondered where loot and sack, the sack came from. Is it related? Could be. How exciting!

Which is what my Test Preparation Supervisor (also my classmate, and yes, it's weird) said today - that I can get excited about anything, and drag them all along. Yup. That's what I get for a decade in the public school trenches. I've taught gerunds, I can get excited about anything.

And I feel like crap. Is it West Nile virus?

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