Wednesday, October 11, 2006

another Wednesday down

If misery loves company, it would fit right in here at First Choice Law School.

"I've seen so many people crack this week!" says classmate Sylvia.

Well, thank goodness it's not just me.

Not the best time to start a new job that's taking me 20 hours a week, but I'll survive. I always do.

Sorry I'm incommunicado. Trust me, it's better that way for everybody. I'm on Day 3 of the South Beach Diet (which costs me a FORTUNE to shop for, so there's no way I'm falling off the wagon), and I'm so hungry and grumpy. I'm not supposed to be, but I am. I probably ate a pound of cashews today. I'm supposed to eat about 20 as a snack, but that just wasn't cutting it. Salad isn't cutting it. Salmon isn't cutting it. See, the reason that in my real life I eat those 600-calorie muffins on Wednesdays is because they help me make it through the brutal day. Those calories sustain me. I only hope that my body shifts into fat-burning metabolism soon.

Back to Torts and Civil Procedure.

1 comment:

bellygrrrl said...

OMG! I'm hungry too after really trying to cut down on carbs! It's easy to go overboard with nuts...they're tasty and hit the spot. I think I'm sabotaging my "diet" by overdoing it in other areas. Sheesh.
Hang in there w/ FCLS and the new job...does that sound like the name of a pop group?