Wednesday, June 14, 2006

kids say the darndest things

Coolest thing my students have been saying lately? "I figured it out! All by myself!"

And it isn't always bullshit when they walk in and pat my shoulder and say, "I missed you yesterday!" They may have missed my wry wit, but they don't need me anymore.

I pulled a kid over yesterday and asked about his career plans. "Have you thought about being a teacher? You're really, really good at it." This kid is a better teacher than I am! He's friendlier and more helpful and a better communicator. I looked up from my paper grading and phone calling yesterday to realize that at some point (probably months ago) he had completely taken over my job in that class - he was the one answering everybody's questions about how to spell things right, how to format their presentation, etc. I've been encouraging kids for a long time to be more independent and interdependent, and most of them are (Monday's substitute said they were completely on-task without me or any guidance), but that class in particular is extreme. They probably wouldn't even notice if I just left. I'm only the person scolding them for tardies and being ultra-picky about grammar - but even those things this kid could do better than me.

I'm dispensable. And it feels great. And it was cool to see that kid's realization dawn: "I am a good teacher, aren't I?!"

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