Monday, November 20, 2006

carb loading

No marathon here - although they do say law school is a marathon, not a sprint. And I've been trained. And I know ALL about carb loading.

Got my memo in - yay!

I leave Wednesday very early - yay!

Almost done with CivPro outline and met with prof to clear up some questions - yay!

Only one more day of class this week - yay!

Um ... I'm running out of things to be excited about.

Well, I'm out of food except pita and carrots, so I'm off to some pizza at Whole Foods and then because my blood sugar is so low a cookie as well. Then I'll come back and huddle in my 50 degree apartment (oh, if only I were exaggerating - I guess I should turn on the heat already) and do a ton more work.

I read somewhere that cold weather burns more calories. Though, I do have to say that I was at my highest weight while in Alaska - and that with no bakeries to run to or pizza or any of that. My friends there, too. And we exercised a ton - always out skiing and snowshoeing and walking around, and our diets revolved around salmon and caribou (the leanest meat). I guess our metabolism slows down in the cold - like bears. I do miss my salmon curry there, and I used to make a caribou stew to die for. (Well, I guess the caribou did die for it.)

And now Dayton texted me.

I have no clarity about that. Because I don't have the time or energy to devote to it - I need to get through law school now. I'm pretty dismayed with myself in CivPro - things just aren't clicking. The test is two weeks from today, and I'm going to focus on it pretty hard-core until then. Hopefully it clicks. But I do need to also prep the other classes. But work is tapering out now and I've done all the reading for next week, just need to brief. So, there's hope. I'm not yet despondent. And I have two supplemental books that I'm going to read while traveling this weekend that hopefully help a lot. I will maximize my airport time! I'll be traveling about 20 hours total this weekend to spend about 40 hours with friends. And this is shocking to whom?

OK, pizza. My brain craves carbs during stressful and intense learning times. And who's to argue with my brain?

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