Monday, November 13, 2006

a special kind of stupid

My former landlord just sued me for $12,500, saying we entered a verbal agreement for a year-long lease and my abandonment of the premises made the entire amount due immediately.

Um, how stupid are you to sue two law students for a non-existent contract (which we kept asking for and he put off and put off) when one is particularly good at stalking?

So, I went over there. Got all sorts of good info - such as that people moved in about three weeks ago. In daylight I'm going back to take pics through the windows - and of the paintjob he's trying to sue me for that I'm sure he didn't repaint over.

Did I really need this now? And it just killed two hours of worktime.

Well, I got some adrenaline going. And I know where he lives, and where he parks his car. He's fucking lucky I don't have a baseball bat right now.

THIS, blog fans, is why I want to own my own house again. This.

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