Monday, November 20, 2006


Did I sound perky in the last post? Good. K and I just made a pact that we won't weird out. All these 3Ls and lawyers are warning us how weird people get during finals, so I swear not to be that kind of person. I won't be negative and back bitey (though, I did have to note to Son of Deepo Provero Inventor how much one of our classmates, who was wearing a bandana as a sweatband, looked like he should be from "Fame").

But I will note that I woke up this morning with a shooting pain in my side that isn't going away. It's too side and back to be appendicitis, which is good news. I hope it's just sore from sitting still too much this weekend.

Accompanying the pain is a mild delirium. Walking back to school this afternoon, I saw a car with a classmate's alma mater on it and I thought, "Oh, maybe that's her car."

Um, she's blind. Chances of her driving are pretty slim. I got that far in my analysis. But then I thought, "Well, maybe Big Black Guide Dog somehow helps her."

OK, in my semi-conscious state, I'm having blind women and their dogs driving all over the city.

That trumps K dreaming about the guy we wrote the memo about.

I think spending three hours in my 50 degree apartment today led me there, so I did just turn on the heat. Cold wins. This round.

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