Tuesday, May 30, 2006

11 more teaching days!

And today did not suck. A couple jerks trying to punk me, but they're hung over and they're off their game. Despite (or because of?) extreme exhaustion on my part, I was all over my game and they didn't have a chance.

No rent to pay for June because I paid a deposit, and I get paid day after tomorrow! Pay days make me HAPPY - and this one should be a doozy from all the overtime. Oh, no, that'll be next one because they're two months behind in paying that. Oh well. It'll still be nice.

The not-so-lovely feeling today is that of me definitely NOT being over Dayton in any remote sense of the word. It'd be so much easier if he had broken up with me, or cheated on me, or hit me, or done anything that really crossed the line. I mean, buying into a sexist paradigm (two-fold, with the traditional African and the Pentacostal) and remaining married to one's ex-wife - that crosses MY line. But THE line? I dunno. Sometimes, but sometimes I think I'm completely unreasonable.

Today a student asked me advice about breaking up with her boyfriend who annoys her and I was like, "Kick him to the curb! I'm all about the break-ups, girlfriend!" The boy who sits as close to her as possible each day giggled and agreed, but he had a vested interest in it.

Three more days this week, and five days the next week, and four teaching days the last week (I call in sick one of them). I will survive! All of the delinquents may not, but I will.

Oh, update on Aztec Boy - he came back. Long story. Today he was embarrassed because he'd promised me he'd do homework and he didn't finish it, and he likes to keep his word, so when he came to ask me to edit it I said, "You're going to miss me." "No I'm not. You're going to miss me." "Yes, you're right. I am going to miss you. And you're going to miss me." "No, I"m not going to miss you. I-" and we were interrupted in our really mature exchange by Smiley shouting, "Are you going to miss me?" "Yes I will miss you."

The thing about Aztec Boy though, it's different. He's just always there, but not in any way annoying. In a typical day I see him 3-5 times - before school, during class, during brunch, plus other times such as when he comes over from other classes. In a really strange way we're so comfortable with each other. Often I'll look out my window and he'll be standing out there and he'll look up when I look out. Not stalking creepy at all, just on the same wavelength. I will miss him. And yeah, I'll miss Smiley and all the others, but I'll forget them quicker. Most of my kids made me feel welcome, but Aztec Boy is more like family.

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