Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Aztec Boy is gone.

To say I'm upset is an understatement.

He came to tell me yesterday, that his social worker said he has to move to another place in another city. "But there's only a month to school left! Can't they wait until then?!"

Apparently not. They moved him within 24 hours of telling him, despite his extreme dismay.

Foster care, dammit.

There are always kids who are really meaningful, and already I lost Favorite Hard-Core Cholo. Now to lose Aztec Boy, it's too much.

This is why I hate teaching, the loss (and the dickheads - so I want to keep all the non-dickheads possible). I have to stick it out another four weeks. Who will greet me in the mornings? Who will up my cool factor by keeping me informed of Latino politics?

I feel abandoned.

Today another tried to take his place, but it wasn't the same. Curly said to me that I should quit teaching because I'm tired. Aztec Boy would never say that. He would tell me where to go in Mexico and what to do and what to wear and what to listen to and how to speak. He is bossy.

Speaking of bossy, I got quite a message yesterday from Mr. Principal Man. "Call me as soon as you get this message and tell me why you didn't attend the department meeting."

"Well, because I had another appointment and I only got 24 hours notice and I immediately called the department chair to discuss it and she said it wasn't a big deal [all they discussed had nothing to do with me]." It was a message I left with him. Ran into him later and he said nothing. He goes off the deep end all too easily.

Four weeks, one day (of kids - one more day of just faculty work). Four weeks, one day. Deep breaths.

Found storage today - nice people, clean place, it seems right. Need to decide. Can I go with the smaller space and get rid of a bunch of stuff?? I think so. I don't want to come back here, and that would clinch the deal if I had nothing to come back to. Oh, I still need to keep personal effects and textbooks and such, but not my furniture and all that. I'll keep what can fit in a 5' x 10' space, and that will be enough. Then, when I know a more final location, I can move it all.

Gail - the best part of Early Man is the guy who works there - he can talk about anything - he's amazing! Fascinating guy.

And everybody, check this out from Tami about New Orleans flood:

OK, time to start sorting through my personal effects. Oy vey.


Anonymous said...

That sucks--I'm sorry about Aztec Boy.

Gummy said...


Me too.

No come back here? Aw. But then who will I got bustin' caps with??? ^_^

Gummy said...

Early Man Site...worth it then? =)