Monday, May 01, 2006

strangest things said today

"I appreciate you. I really appreciate you - this," said Mr. Principal Man (when I called to say I'd do panel when another person bailed). (And then I got my new whiteboard, which I asked for in November.)

"You feel safe walking in this neighborhood?" a father playing catch with his young son asked me as I walked past in a neighborhood of 500K homes.

"I'll bring the beer. No really, I'll bring the beer," said a student when another asked if we can have a party on Friday.

"Your test shows you positive for HPV," said the doctor. Which, isn't that strange, since 85% of all women my age have had it, and condoms don't stop it and you can get it other ways, too. And while having it increases risk of cervical cancer, it's a 0.1% chance. The strange part there is that she actually called me back - twice. And once this evening about 7:30, so I must have just missed her call.

1 comment:

Gummy said...

Hmmm. Does this guy appreciate like LD appreciates??? Ha ha haa haaa...ick...bleah...