Monday, May 08, 2006

strange contact

Today I'm sitting at the table with my race-riot inciting home study kid (who's been actually quite good since I laid the law down about not being there when we're scheduled), and we hear a car door slam.

The shortness of my attention span is only rivaled by his, so we both look up.

"Oh, that's my uncle. He's here to check you out."

"That my broother," said the mom.

Excuse me?

I didn't even know how to react. Remove my phone number from their refrigerator or show some cleavage?

I ignored him. Always my strategy of choice.

Today I got email from a former student and an actual letter from another, and a temper tantrum from some current students who heard today that I'm quitting.

But who haven't I heard from? The law school and Jordanian university. Good grief. I need to make some decisions, people!

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