Friday, July 28, 2006

home improvements

Classified search:

Household Furnishings
Tables Unused Hooker 1 cock. 1sofa $600both. Used 1 cock. 1sofa $200both 985-966-2447 Published in Times-Picayune on 07/28


For those of you who've followed me through three blogs now, you remember bikram yoga - doing yoga in a sauna? We did it once, and the man in front of me had a huge pool of sweat which was more than a little disgusting. We all did.

So, I've been practicing bikram housepainting. Unplugged the a/c to paint behind the cord, and realized I like the quiet better. Which is fine when I'm all alone, but when the landlord's family shows up, the first question is why I'm not using the a/c. Shrug. So I looked in the mirror and saw more beads of sweat than Mardi Gras beads thrown up in the trees on St. Charles AVenue. I ain't winning no beauty contests, but actually I don't mind the sweat because it keeps me cool and I wasn't overheating.

And now I pray that they aren't doing construction on the bridge yet today and that I won't get stuck on it again. Ugh.

1 comment:

Gummy said...

I started on my bathroom today!!! =) I have half of it painted...and waiiting for it to dry before I coat it again. =)

You're right. It's like your bikram yoga, my goodness....

I learned that it's easier (for me anyways, since I have trouble reaching the top and don't want the ceiling painted) to paint the corners and edges first...then go with the rollers. =)

So far...after this...I'd want to do my room too!!! Woot woot! =)

You've got me hooked, ha ha!