Friday, July 14, 2006

I'm not dying

Well, at least not of cancer. I guess we're all dying, technically speaking.

The doctor today was really good and really smart. He thinks I had/have thyroiditis. The thyroid is an active gland, it cycles and its levels fluctuate, and there's no way that my TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) could be as low as mine was in May and that I could still not have symptoms.

So, hopefully everything clears up on its own! And there's a good chance of that it seems - the cyst that I just had drained used to be a nodule that my body got rid of. That's pretty cool. Lots of macrophages were swimming around in there.

So, to celebrate the good news I swung by Borders to pick up Sean Paul CD - I need some good driving music!

Now, MUST FINISH PACKING! Two more movies to watch!

1 comment:

bellygrrrl said...

Phew, good news! Yay!