Monday, July 17, 2006

who is that person?

Sometimes when I hear stories about myself, I wonder about the sanity of the person being referred to. Like the weekends in Africa, the baking overload on Shirley's birthday, the constant-on-the-go.

To see myself through somebody else's eyes can be amusing. Talking to my former principal this morning, I realized how odd I seem to him. "Yeah, three years at law school, that's a long time," I said. "For you! That's a lifetime!"

Then I went hunting down Aztec Boy. He wasn't at school so I went to his foster house with a note asking where the hell he was (no, Jenny, I didn't say hell). His foster mother was there who gave me the scoop he was at immigration office. He's not here legally, exactly, so this is good news. On the phone it only took us a minute to start arguing about how he's quitting summer school. I want to adopt this kid, because we already get on each others' nerves enough, so we could just bypass that whole getting along thing and get straight to family feuds. Anyway, he's going to help me move tomorrow, just to load up the last of the things into my truck. Once I get it back. I just can't imagine one of my high school teachers giving me a call as s/he drove through town, asking me to help them move. Although, I have helped many do such things. See, to me, how I am, it isn't strange. Until I see it through somebody else's eyes. Whatever. I get to nag him on the straight and narrow and get the help I need. It's all good.

I guess flat tires are boring, but mine blew and ripped in a way that set adrenaline pumping through my veins. Oregonians helped me in California, because that's the way they are. I made it back, but I found out today that in addition to ripping off the mudflap and fender liner, the brake line got kinked. This is an expensive trip so far. Hopefully this keeps me safe and sound, because my financial security is slipping away.

It's probably a good thing, because I'm tired. Been tired. Should be in bed now. Have gotten much done, had fun with Michele and Jenny and Sabine and Gail.

OK, there. I'm tired. Yawn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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