Wednesday, July 05, 2006

MD update

The update is that there is no update. I went in to see a doctor today - I liked her, though I think I overwhelmed her. I finally got her to agree to fast-track me for a biopsy. One reason I liked her is that she isn't in a rush to worry - she says it is more likely Graves Disease and sometimes people's bodies just handle that themselves and don't even need treatment.

The fast track, however, is over a week from now. BUT, they promise to have the results to the endocrinologist by my appointment with him next Friday. And the doctor said I really should talk to the endocrinologist, so now I can't even leave town early so it all works out I guess.

SO, I won't be taking off as soon as I'd hoped. BUT, it looks like I can take off next week. SO, tentative plan is to leave here on Saturday, July 15th; spend Sunday & Monday in Riverside area, then drive off to NOLA, hopefully arriving there Wednesday (Thursday 7/20 at the latest) to have about three weeks to find a place to live and get established there.

Last night was horrendous for the dogs - they even climbed into the bathtub to hide from the fireworks. Selma mellowed but Otter was up all night in panic mode, and then the evil cat had to jump in my bed, too. So, I'm just a little tired.


Gummy said...

Monday the 17th, I'm free for dim sum! =) (the 16th is a missions send off party for a friend). We can go early to beat the rest of the people...10am! Ha ha ha ha! =)

Graves Disease - the NAME sounds scary, but the actual thing itself sounds much more agreeable than the C word...=)

Fireworks are mostly illegal around here, so we don't hear that many pops and whistles. Sigh. I like them - they're pretty and the sparklers are fun. But they pollute, right? And the dogs (and cat) don't like them. So that says something. Heh heh. =)

bellygrrrl said...

Cool. Nice to get the med update, and I'm soo excited for you about NOLA. (I'll have to search online and figure out exactly what NOLA stands for....). And I'm even more excited about planning a trip to come visit. Zydeco concert, anyone?
Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.