Wednesday, July 26, 2006

NO taste treats

I got two words for you Michele: Blueberry Mojitos. Actually, "St. Joe's Blueberry Mojito recognized as one of the top 200 drinks in America" says Food and Wine Magazine.

Where? Near here.

Yesterday I cruised by the law school (it happened to be near the crepe place), and they knew me instantly. Um, good?

I've started cleaning out the new place, and having color quandaries. The Roommate wants white. I refuse. It shall be interesting. I think green for the living room, yellow for the kitchen, purples for my bedroom. It's all moot right now because I hurt my right shoulder with enthusiastic cleaning (which I will return to shortly, apparently with my left arm).

Gail - PAINT!! Do not doubt! If you're not sure, then COME HERE AND PAINT WITH ME! :-) Much yumminess!

Everybody says it's hot as hell wherever they are - Oregon, Germany, California - but I have to say it's not too bad here - it's in the upper 80's and lower to mid-90's and extremely humid, but it's not horrible.

Last night I had gumbo and boudin balls at a cafe a couple blocks from the house. Tonight we're going to African food in the French quarter. Two nights ago we went to sushi next door to the cajun cafe from last night. I do need to try a muffaletta soon - but I never seem to have a hungry enough stomach. At the cajun cafe last night there was alligator meat and frog legs, and all sorts of interesting things.

Last night when I stopped at the gas station when I was trying to pay, the customer in front of me asked if I speak French. "A little." Well, thus commenced a thorough lesson on Cajun French, most of which revolved around profanity such as bec mon chu (kiss my ass). I forgot the rest, but I'm sure I'll hear them again.

I officially move in August 1st, but he's cool with me moving stuff in and fixing stuff up before then. Today and tomorrow are cleaning and hopefully painting some, Friday and Saturday are garage sale days, Sunday is moving in with Tami's help, Monday I start volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, Tuesday Tami flies to Jordan and a couple hours later The German Roommate arrives.

Well, the shoulder pain is not dissipating, so time to stop avoiding it.

1 comment:

bellygrrrl said...

Bec mon chu, did you say? Is that the first of many grammar lessons during TYOMEEL?