Saturday, July 22, 2006

walleyes biting

Funniest thing said to me so far today? "Would you like me to put these boxes somewhere? They're pretty heavy."

Yes, my friends helped me with moving those boxes of books twice, but I moved them at least five times for myself. But thanks, Mr. Mailman, for letting me avoid doing that again for right now.

Common topic of conversation around here? Fishing. There's a whole fishing section of the news - Friday had great walleye fishing on the north side of Lake Pontchartrain - and I hear people talking about it about wherever I go. Live shrimp as bait - that's the trick.

Other funniest thing? I was craving some clam chowder last night, and Tami's mother said only "Yankees" would have such a thing. It's gumbo around here, I have been resolutely told. So now I know, and maybe I can dim that flashing "Yankee" neon sign on my forehead.

The real estate person I emailed last night hasn't called me, so I'll continue with the internet research and on Monday drive back into town and deal with all things. It's probably 4 gallons of gas round-trip, and a white-knuckle drive over very long bridges, so I'll only do it when it's helpful.

Humidity is good for my hair and skin. Or maybe it's the air conditioning, since I rarely leave its joyful ambience.

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