Thursday, November 30, 2006

my real superpower

It's not sabotage, despite reports.

It's frugality. I just got my electric bill - less than $20! Of course, that's because I spent most of the month huddling in cold, sitting in the dark - but still, I won (the bet with myself)! Under $20!

It will never be that low again, since the electrician realized that the hot water heater wasn't hooked up to my apartment. I told him while he was switching wires around to move my a/c to the neighbor's.

I guess he thought I wasn't joking because he told the landlady.

So, my secret identity: Cheapie McCheapskate.

1 comment:

bellygrrrl said...

And yet, I am strapped to think of a better saboteuse to have on the team. Huh...Guess such a high-quality team as ours presupposes multi-faceted superheroes.