Sunday, June 17, 2007

Cancun, baby

Done deal AND I get that stupid fuck KLM Flying Blue monkey off my back by using up all the miles accumulated.

Lalo and I are going to Cancun ... and perhaps beyond. (I'm going to be way hushy-hush now about it to avoid incarceration and huge fines.)

Well, *I* am going to Cancun, and hopefully Lalo gets his ticket tonight/tomorrow, too. Unfortunately his ticket price jumped up about $100 from last time we talked, but he still wants to go ahead and go. I might be cool with just chilling in Cancun for a week ... going to Chichen Itza, snorkeling, etc. But Lalo doesn't swim, and we have our mission, so we'll be on that quest.

I still had to pay like $177 in taxes and fees - but it was better than paying $490 ... and now I can stop contributing to this stupid frequent flyer plan and start others.

So, to recap:
West Coast Extravaganza May 23-June 14
Nicaragua June 27-July 7
California July 18-July 23 ... THANKS MICHELE!!!
Cancun August 1-August 8
School starts August 20

My life really, really doesn't suck. And ALL THAT TRAVEL costs far less (like half) than taking one class this summer would have. Maybe my grades don't rock, but who's the stupid one?

Have I mentioned there have been NO cockroaches since I returned? And tomorrow they'll get rid of the wasps (though unfortunately I won't be here to watch my Hot Honduran Jardinero hunk work - Red Cross calls). I'm loving having this much space, though it's amazing how much I can spread stuff all around even in three times the space as before.

So, here's the tally: Dayton - still sucks. Everything else in life - rocks.

1 comment:

tiff said...

god i wish i had her ass...i would wear a bikini all the time...even while chopping wood...giggle:)


wish you safe travels!