Wednesday, June 20, 2007

where else can I find this?

I go for a walk and first I walk past lots of Black kids playing and I scold two boys for chasing a kitten. Men talking. Women walking with children. Then a pocket of Latino men talking. Then past more people, mostly Black. Then loop around, walk past a Mexican mom sitting on the stoop petting a kitten. Then past a house at the corner where the guy was murdered Sunday night. I asked the Brazilian guys details, in my broken Spanish. Maybe my Spanish is so bad they understand it better since it's not Portuguese.

I live in a melting pot. Love it.

Speaking of melting though, my bedroom is 99 degrees Fahrenheit. I think I'm going to start a bikram yoga studio up there. Just turned on the a/c and hopefully it cools the whole house down a bit ... but I have to go buy a room a/ because that heat, that's craziness.


Gummy said...

But...where are the chinese folks? =)

NOLA said...

Oh! I forgot to mention the Vietnamese shops I go past ... which is of COURSE not Chinese, but same continent sort of.

And there are *two* shops called "Manchu" within walking distance. So the Chinese are kinda represented. :)