Saturday, June 09, 2007

the joy of woodchopping

It's been a couple fun-packed days at the Holts - first there was paper finishing, and then it's been replete with concrete hauling, dirt hauling, garden setting up and planting, wood chopping, mardi gras bead enjoying, coffee drinking, mosquito swatting, dog petting, beer holding for Conrad ("inverted hoo-hoo"), Tyvek stapling, blueboard cutting and wedging, scrap wood hauling, pothole filling, mosquito swatting, door painting, lean-to disassembling, electric hole filling, particle board moving.

And Rick just made a list of 20 things for me to do tomorrow morning before they get up. It better be some strong coffee. :) I'm annoying Tiff completely because I came here to WORK dammit and everybody will be dragged along with me and I want to work all the damn time - so tell me what to do, tell me what to do! :)


Anonymous said...

Can I just say that while you were working hard I was 'representing' at REI in Bend, OR? There was an REI right next to my hotel! I HAD to go over and even said your name as I walked in...

Consider yourself represented!!


tiff said...

I so love that you are having a man help you put up the Tyvek...while you are holding the beer for him...I will forever have that moment implanted in my brain...giggle :)