Thursday, June 07, 2007

first Alaskan adventures

First, last night Tiff and I closed the bars in Anchorage.

Um, ok, that's an exaggeration. Slightly. We *did* go to two different bars. OK, one bar and one brew pub, for a total of two fish tacos, 1.5 pints of Hefe, and one German chocolate cake. And we were back in the hotel by 10:30. But it was a nice time in Humpy's and Glacier Brew House.

Today she took the kids swimming while I worked, and then we hit Kaladi Brothers Coffee and Title Wave Books. OH MY GOD. What a freakin fantastic bookstore!! I would LIVE there if I were here.

And then, to one of my fave Anchorage spots: Moose's Tooth. We'll go back on my way out so that I can get a t-shirt. Yum pizza. Kinda wish I could still drink.

Hit the road with a few stops for coffee and Fred Meyer grocery and sheets shopping.

Got to the yurts where I worked some more while the boys had water balloon fights and Tiff cooked her yummilicious enchiladas. Then Carrie and Conrad and Jasmine showed up - other friends of Tiff & Rick, who still teach in the district where we met.

But the big adventure just happened. Kids were shouting something and Tiff ran out - we thought it was "moose" which would be WAY bad news in the dog yard. But, it was "loose" - one of the chain lines broke and a few of the dogs were semi-loose. Tiff grabbed the line and Carrie grabbed a dog, and I grabbed Chautauqua, who is totally my baby along with Ciku. I knew them both in Elim when they were younger, sometimes dog sat them and frequently visited. I swear Ciku barks a special bark for me and was sniffing me to check for smell of Selma - she loves Selma, and would come visit of her own accord whenever she got loose.

So, I got to drag Taqs to another spot and hook him up, with the help of Keegan and Rohnan, and there was a moment when I got to feel like a doglot chick. Especially how the mosquitoes were consuming me as I ran out in my LA garb - shorts, flip flops, tank top. Yup, it's freaking warm here - it's like 76 degrees here in the yurt. And it's warm outside, but those evil little vampires totally dig on my malarial blood.

Anyway, try to get some more work done - papers are due in like 12 hours. Blech. I'll be SO GLAD when they're done!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And guess what you have to look forward to back here in N.O. ?! 90 degrees with the humidity just as much. Today was 106 heat index!!