Monday, June 25, 2007

meeting Shirley's folks

No pic because my camera was already packed.

Shirley called me this afternoon, and she and her mom & stepdad are in town. So, we went and met for dinner and had a nice time.

Thank god she called - I'd had Cheerios for both breakfast and lunch, and that was looking like dinner, too. Instead, we went to Mother's and I had red beans & rice and turnip greens and cabbage.

Getting used to rice and beans. Yum. There'll be LOTS of that over the next two weeks.

Shirley's folks are way nice and it was a lovely time. They called it an early night since he's presenting very early tomorrow morning - which is good for me, too. Tomorrow I'm up at the crack of dawn, and then the next morning I must leave my house no later than 4:30 am.

AND Hustler doesn't have a battery charger, but she offered to help me put a new battery in if I need to. Oh, and I learned her real name is Caroline. I still don't know who her partner is - I only know the bare basics of the neighborhood really. But, it's better this way. All the people I know, they're way nice to me and helpful. Oh, and Rahim (my favorite) is Hustler's grandson. I love asking Hustler for directions because she thinks I'm way slow, so she gives super, super clear directions. She must wonder how I can drive around at all if I know nothing at all. But she's just so nice about it. I'm hoping I'll make it to the dealer tomorrow - they are replacing my radio anyway, so maybe they can charge up the battery, check the alternator, etc. I'm just not sure how I'll get back there to pick up my truck after Red Cross training ... but things always work out.

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