Monday, June 25, 2007


I just got a rejection note from one of the journals I attempted to write on to - and since it was the better of the submissions, there's no way I'll get on the other.

The thing is - I don't WANT to be on a journal, but I feel compelled to - otherwise I have to explain it in job interviews and they won't even look at my application (or so I'm told by everybody in the know). So I spent all those fucking hours working on those stupid things - there was even just so much READING before I could write - so I turned them in though I really needed a good 20 hours more of undivided attention on them. It wasn't possible, and I didn't really care. I knew they sucked, and I told myself I could try again in fall for one of the journals.

But I DON'T WANT TO. I have no desire to spend all that time and effort on being somebody's spell checker! I have way better things to do with my time.

I resent being forced into this cookie cutter mold of what it means to get a law job.

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