Sunday, December 03, 2006

foxy broccoli

With the very last ounce of willpower I possess, I forced myself to make and eat a salad for dinner.

Fortunately, it was made with Foxy broccoli, and I had Jimi Hendrix/Al Yankovic going through my head the whole time.

It is pretty entertaining to be me, because I do find those kinds of connections all the time. I just don't usually share them anymore because I always end up saying, "It's funnier in my brain. Trust me."

And now, I shall tab and color my Civil Procedure Outline. I think there was something on Legally Blonde about the necessity of looking good. Well, I won't be looking good, but my outline will be pretty. I know it sounds stupid, but honestly - it's 20 pages, and if I could find Venue or Erie or Joinder in a snap, it would make me less stressed.

The good news is I got my sleep almost back. I'm still sleeping in until almost 7:30, but at least I'm falling asleep before midnight now.

I also made purple and black flashcards of all the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and I almost called Jenny to see if she had an extra ring I could put them on. Alas, Jenny is further than a 20 minute drive away now. Schade. And I almost called Sabine about the TNT movie The Librarian (I think that I get most of my popular culture now from Hotmail ads), before I remember that she too is further than 30 minutes away. Alas, I am lost at sea here.

Me and my Foxy broccoli.

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