Wednesday, December 27, 2006

getting around

The most common way for me to get around is by foot, and I'm in good company - lots of people walk. The hard part is the damn sand everywhere, so a short jaunt is trudging as if on beach. And my feet are always so dirty.

I've also traveled by clando, which I think is short for clandestine taxi. They're unlicensed taxis in various states of disrepair, some pretty scary. I took the clando yesterday for the first time alone to Kasbi, a market where I'd heard there was a travel agency. There wasn't. So later Maguey drove me to the airport, which is under renovation and nobody knows where anything is, but we found the Slok office because an Indian guy gave me his business card.

Slok is the sketchy airline I didn't want to fly with, but it seems my best bet. I'm not feeling well and want to go to Ghana, so I'm waiting to hear from Dayton and then if it all works out I'll go back over to the airport to buy the ticket. I have a reservation for tomorrow, which consists of my name written on a list. Fingers crossed I make it back on time for my flight back to the States next Thursday at 6 am.

There are also busses of various size and color and comfort, so it is quite easy to get around here. I do just hate crossing the street by foot because the expectation is that pedestrians will dodge the insane drivers.


Anonymous said...

My movie continues?... This is almost like Reds where Dianne Keaton crosses Europe by foot to get to Warren Beatty, who she believes is still in prison...but he's not--he's back in Petrograd trying to get word to her in the US, only he doesn't know she's trying desperately to get to him, and then she meets Emma Goldman, and finally finds him on a train and they embrace and it's all been worth it! (Starry-eyed sigh)
Except I'd go with the plane if you're not feeling well, and especially if the sand is gonna slow down your pace.
Thinking of you! Good luck!

Gummy said...

I've taken clandos in China! Hee hee hee...fake taxis...=) How are you doing??? Merry Merry Christmas (a few days late!)! I've been sick. Bleah. And my voice is NOT getting better. It's been more than a full week and almost 2 - I hope I go back to work with normally function vocal cords.

How was Christmas in Senegal??? How was the weather? It's insanely strangely windy over here. =P

Hope things work out for Ghana! =) Let me know! =)