Sunday, December 03, 2006

law students here

This email cracks me up. It's from Cute Young Boy. I had a better name for him before, I hope, but I don't remember it.

He had forwarded me an outline from a classmate. This classmate is whip smart - the first time he ever spoke in class I think I got whiplash from turning around to see who the hell was talking. He's got that whole Louisiana manners thing going on, but he's Smart Smart. And has a very cool name.

He also doesn't speak to me. Not that he deliberately ignores me, I don't think, but we've never been introduced or interacted except a couple times in class when he's disagreed with me.

So, it feels weird to look at his work. I don't expect it'll help me much anyway - I'd just look at it to check over my outline to see if I missed anything. So I emailed Cute Young Boy about that ethical dilemma, and I got the whole Babe thing below.

But here's what's striking me. This is how we at First Choice Law School are interacting. It's exam time, and I just saw the grade curve distribution - there are no more than 5 A's in any class - and most of the classes have at least 70 students. I'm really not liking my odds now.

And how are people responding to the stress? They're telling me I'm clever and studying with me and sending me outlines. Yesterday I was talking with some classmates and I asked, "So, is this other people's second or third choice?" They said it is.

But I think there's no other law school that I would like better. I'm proud of us.


Altruism is something very uncommon in these parts. JPM is a great dude and I have no doubt he would be happy/flattered that other students i.e. me and you would benefit from his stuff.

Quit being so ethical/straight babe!

See you soon"

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