Friday, December 08, 2006

the High Priestess

Whom do I hate today?

Is it the electricians above my head? With loud noises, flickering electricity, and racial innuendos? They were actually smoking up there until I pitched a huge fit. Who the hell thinks it's appropriate to smoke inside somebody's house?

Or the people who call and don't leave messages? If I know who it is, that's fine - but a number that is vaguely familiar and not in my phone book - it bugs. Because I'm not answering - it could be crazy ex-landlord or somebody else I don't want to talk to - but hope it wasn't important.

They're both in the running. And don't even get me started about Dayton right now. He is so on that bad list. I know I'm an intense person with lots of irons in the fire and moving at "Mach-[ME]" - but good grief man KEEP UP! And if I say something, especially more than once, DO NOT IGNORE IT! And do not, under any circumstances, attempt to patronize or condescend to me. Much less pressure me, when the only reason there's pressure is because YOU slacked! Don't change your mind and expect me to read your mind.


But, I feel way cool as a problem solver. My gas stove's electricity is shut off, which apparently is the igniter. At first I stared at it not ignite. And then, I thought, "Matches." It worked.

Barring that, I was ready to haul out my Jet boil. Because it is OH SO AWESOME and I've missed it.

My sleep schedule is on Oregon time - I'm not rolling into bed until midnight and not up until 8:00. This is two full hours later than usual for me. I guess I won't worry about it until next semester when I have 8:30 class again - it's just that it makes my brain foggy. Shrug.

Man, Contracts exam is gonna kick my ass. I can't study here at home (see above about loud electricians) and I know if I go to library that I'll just end up socializing until my review session in two hours. What's a girl to do?

Make another cup of coffee and head into school. At least I'll be in good company.

Blond Louisiana Boy and I have decided to start our own religion - the key precept is Karma, but we'll also attempt Buddhist enlightenment (with acceptance for impure bodies and spirits - we are law students, after all) and AA steps to progress rather than perfection. I may not be the goddess that my 8th graders used to call me, but at least I'll be a High Priestess.

And let's just say that everybody on today's bad list is damn lucky there won't be voodoo in our religion.

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