Monday, December 04, 2006

law school of nice

And here is the response from Smart-Smart Man (whom I asked if it's ok that I use his outline that he sent to somebody else who forwarded them on to me).

Where are the crazy people who slice pages from books? Who trample their classmates to get ahead? Who lie cheat and steal to bump themselves up the curve?

They must have gone to other schools.

Or, the little protective bubble I've placed myself in really works. Being polite to everybody and only associating with nice people; being removed from all drama and strife. There may be horrible things going on, but I am blissfully unaware of them all.

(Also, my landlady called; she arranged for me to be able to park in the neighboring driveway so I'm off the street. And she thanked me for being such a good tenant. I do still want to move, if only for a window, but she is the best.)

(Also, I couldn't sleep last night and I have a splitting headache now . I have to go to Civ Pro final in about 4.5 hours and I'm trying to read a 600 page book and look over 20 exam answers before then. The thing is that my performance is hit or miss - I'm usually pretty right in my understanding of the issues [the prof said I have good intuition - but it's that I learned it by being there every day and doing all the reading], but I do leave things out and sometimes I overthink the answers. Do a fairness factor analysis? Why? Sometimes I skip over the "obvious." So, it's a matter of luck for me - if he asks the questions in a way that will trigger all the different aspects I need to address without doubting myself.)

The email:
"Thank you for the compliment, the recognition of the fact that my name rhymes, and for the very decent gesture of requesting to look at the outline. Incidentally, I have always appreciated your insights in class as well. You are certainly more than welcome to use the outline at your convenience. Again, I would emphasize that it is a relatively basic summation of what I think the vital rules of the course were, but if it is of any use to you, I am glad to help. If there are any ambiguities, please feel free to let me know.

I wish you the very best of luck on all of your exams."

1 comment:

Gummy said...

I've been slacking off on internetting lately! >_< But oh! I must tell you! This weekend, we went by Sam Woo's, and they're CLOSED! It looks like it's for sale. *gasp* =(

I guess that's why they couldn't let us have the wedding banquet there. ARG!

What is dim sum without Sam Woo's? It's hard to know...