Friday, December 01, 2006

not so good

So, I had two review sessions today - one for Torts and the other for CivPro. Both were based on practice questions they gave us before-hand, so I could prepare.

I did pretty well on them.

This isn't good.

I need fear of failure to drive me, but instead I'm loitering. Chilling. Wandering around a little aimlessly, considering my "study to-do" list to be more of a "if I feel like doing it" list. NOT GOOD. Because do I really feel like doing another outline or reading another commercial supplement or doing some on-line lessons or making flashcards with major concepts/doctrines/element? Um, no.

I also am not having any motivation to eat healthfully. I mean, it's not too bad - oatmeal & fruit for breakfast, red lentil soup and a sweet potato for lunch. But now I had a candy bar and I'm thinking about a piece of that BBQ chicken pizza at Whole Foods for dinner. Again. And I went to the gym twice when I got back from Oregon, but my knee was crazy hurting so I let up. Weight sticks to me like glue. Great for living through a famine.

The neighbor is moved in, and I explained to him that for the next two weeks if he could be tomb silent, that would be GREAT. I realize how unreasonable that makes me sound, but he didn't seem to think I was crazy.

I ran into the clerk who helped us with the whole landlord situation with the lawyer, and she said they've finished our letter and I'll like it because it's "sassy."

That is a word I never get tired of being associated with me.

OK, end of procratination rant. Time to buckle down and be a law student.

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