Saturday, March 31, 2007


OK, no more talking or thinking about Pompous Ass Professor, and no more doing nice things for him. I dreamt about him last night. No, not erotic, but STILL - I don't want to dream about him! Ew!

Jessica has a crush on him, she freely admits, and I think a few others do - but I resolutely do NOT. Ew. Although, we were good comedy yesterday - the apex being him asking me a question and I saying, "Well, based on the tone of your voice, I'd say no." Laughter of students (though we've heard this joke before) and visiting potential students and parents. Lecture about not using his tone of voice as a gauge, since he's not reading the final to me. He asked the question again, this time with a really funny grimace on his face. "What do you think now?" he asked. "What about my tone of voice?" "Um, well, I'm trying to read that facial expression ..." "You might try to actually answer it from the material." "But then I'm not usually right." After class he thanked me and told me I did good. It makes it impossible for me to really not like him.

I also dreamt about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (they are practically my neighbors after all) a few nights back. Maybe the warmer nights make more vivid dreams?

Unfortunately my brain hasn't been clearning at night like usual. Normally it's like pushing the reset button on my brain. But instead I wake up and it's foggy and filled with thoughts of whomever I dreamt of. I'm a little worried about it, really. I simply am unable to learn and memorize like I could a few years ago. I laugh it off and say oh, I like having a life better anyway - but the reality is that even if I tried to study hard enough to do better, my brain is like a leaden sieve now. It's frightening.

And maybe I'm dreaming about these people because in my dreams they are supportive and encouraging. Dayton, on the other hand, still has not made contact in more than a week, and his phone number no longer works. I'm extremely frustrated with him. I'm sure in his mind he's doing nothing wrong, but he can really be self-centered like the stereotypical only child. Ugh - MEN.

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