Monday, March 05, 2007

I would rather be ...

Thanks to Tiffany, whom I borrowed this great pic from.

I would much rather be handling dogs than reading Uniform Commercial Code.

The Iditarod is off and running for 2007! Woo hoo! Martin Buser is currently in the lead, which makes me happy. He's a great guy. One time, must have been my first year seeing the Iditarod, Martin came in - he was about 5th at at the time I think. He pulled up - and mind you, this is after a week of mushing through just about the roughest terrain & conditions on earth. Exhaustion would be far too mild a word. He said hello to the throng of us watching him, then immediately started digging in his sled. He pulled something out, found my friend Jerri in the crowd, gave her a big hug and a gift he'd been carrying in his sled for her. He's just cool like that. I'd love it if he won, but it's all great.

And hopefully soon Rick will mush it and I can follow his progress and cheer for him from far away!

1 comment:

tiff said...

so you are now into stealing photos...giggle:) giggle:)
the woman in the photo is a teacher at Highland Tech in Anchorage, AK Her name is Roxy Kohler.

And yes we look forward to Rick getting on the trail too...hopefully next year...but you know the $$$$...ugh!
