Friday, March 30, 2007

what are the chances?

So, I'm in limbo about my summer plans, as anybody reading this blog well knows.

There's Africa. A USAID internship I applied for and will hopefully hear about in the next couple weeks. Additionally, if that's where I really want to go there are a number of local NGOs I could volunteer with.

And there's New Orleans. I have a fierce loyalty to this funky little city, and don't really want to leave where I call home - not even for three months.

For Africa: Well, it's Africa. I love it there, I am always challenged and learn, and my help is needed in Liberia. Dayton and his family are there.

For New Orleans: I could make some money here, learn about law, make connections if I do stay here after graduation. Maybe even buy a house. Read a lot of books on my shelves to sell them, spend weekends out exploring. Relaxing. It's a lot of things in Africa, but it's not relaxing.

So, with this question always in mind, I approached my day. My career development officer said the vast majority of people get jobs here by knowing people and dropping names - which I got alerted to when the endocrinology nurse offered to hook me up at my last appointment, saying she has neighbor friends who are lawyers at big firms - which is probably more relevant after I graduate, or next year, but I thought it fascinating that she would offer that.

So, today. First, to my neighbor, whom I chatted with this morning when he brought up my trashcan from the curb, and who suggested a lawyer friend. I've heard of this lawyer before somehow. Second, I ran into a former student from my LSAT class who is a paralegal at the firm I went to about immigration issues (which I rejected because it would cost me $7,000). He said if a new immigration bill goes through, they will be SWAMPED with work and he'll check for me about getting a job there.

How freakin cool is that? I don't know if either of those leads will pan out, but I love the idea that I could show up to class, which happened to be the class shown to visiting prospective students, and where I sat I was chatting with said prospective students so my face was turned to the door (in a very large classroom) and so former LSAT student happened to see me and sit with me and we started chatting and the next thing I know it might turn into a job?

It's just hard for me to justify using connections. In this way, a high-context society, New Orleans is very much like Africa - it's all about who you know, not what you know. But I come from a staunchly low-context culture, where connections are never used. I was trained that I should be presented on strictly the basis of my merits - that's the background I come from. So, transitioning to a different mindset is uncomfortable.

The thing is that these are all people I genuinely like, and I'd be happy to hook them up however I can. I guess I've always been a high-context kind of girl in a way - I like introducing people who have things in common, making new connections. And I do like most people - I like meeting them and getting to know them.

So, I know I have been saying for months that I just want a job to happen without having to make any effort to get it - wouldn't it be funny if that happens!

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