Sunday, January 28, 2007

Amazon 'ho

Just hit $700.08 of book sales. Have another pile on my table to mail tomorrow (man I'm tired of wrapping books!) but am pretty much out of the money books, and now I have to actually read my way through before I can list more.

I am having interesting chats with myself about them. And why on earth have I been clinging to Dialectic of Enlightenment since before Selma was born? She'll be 13 this year! Some others like that, Kristeva and other Lit Crit, are the last vestiges of a life long, long ago. The ed books I'm closer to, and I've started adding little notes when I send some of them off. "Hope you enjoy. I loved this book!"

Wow, I'm pathetic.

But $700 is more than half a trip to Africa, and almost a month's rent. This is not a minor amount of money to me. And, fewer boxes to move, which means it's more likely for the friendship of me and Ahmed to stay intact.

It's not like this is the first time I've done this - it seems I purge my books every few years. But this time is different - I'm heartless with cutting out the dead dialectics. I still keep the books of sentimental value that I probably won't be able to get again - the book with a chapter about my friend Andy, my favorite Finnish poet, and a book by Selma's namesake. (Susan told me she met a woman who asked the names of the dogs and when she said Otter and Selma the woman said jokingly, "Oh, like Selma Lagerlof?" and Susan cried, "Yes! Yes! You are the first person to ever know that!") (Contrast that with K who equates it to Selma, Alabama, her absolute least favorite place on the planet.)

My poor books - I know they're trembling with trepidation, so afraid of the future. But, others will love them.

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