Wednesday, January 10, 2007

the groove

I've given up my delusions of being in the top 10% of my law school class, but I'm still scrapping for top third. Just got back my writing assignment, and the good news is that my grade didn't go down from the first assignment. The bad news is that it didn't go up, and the class mean did. I'm still above average, I'm still in top third, but I'm only in the top third, not the top 10%.

That kills me, of course, but I'm adjusting.

Why is my grade that? Well, I didn't use time well, and I worked my jobs too much around the time it was due. I told myself then that if my grade sucked, I couldn't work.

Anyway, the other grades haven't been turned in yet - life doesn't suck to be a law professor. They only have to grade one thing the entire term, one test, and they get six weeks to do it. Not a one of them could handle middle school English teaching.

We had the board meeting for the Latino organization I'm volunteer coordinator for (and which drags me to volunteer all day Saturday at a Latino pro bono legal project - I'd rather sleep all day), and it was interesting. Every so often I'm startled with how different my law school experience is from others'. Another 1L was talking about all these great venues to have a dance party, and a 2L talked about how to plan things so that people could also go out afterward, and I thought - I know this is New Orleans, the party capital, but how do these people do it?

It's just not fun for me, to go out and party. Maybe it would be good for me, but it's really unpleasant for me. I don't think it's just that I'm old - I think it's just my personality. I like small and one-on-one, but large groups are not fun for me.

Like I said, we're all grumpy, but we're slowly getting our mojo back on. I miss some of my peeps - K and Son of Deepo-Provero-Inventor are only in my writing class still, and I miss them both much. K and I hung out today and talked about the stupidity of giving only white dolls to black children (her mother used to paint her lunchbox, clothes, etc. to have brown children all around her, but Dayton gave white dolls to Cece), but it's not the same. I've met some other people - people I watched all semester and decided I wanted to know. Now we sit together and have introduced and all that. I got all sorts of advice today - about having a baby (guy's wife just had their second), about marrying a foreigner (guy is twice-divorced, both time to non-Americans). I borrowed Highlighter Boy's highlighters - I'm obsessed with them, and he's pretty cute. What is it with me and Koreans?

And Contracts was good today - it was really interesting to me, which is good because that's what I think I want to do for a living. We're talking about the Uniform Commercial Code, which governs goods (but not services), and includes implied warranties for merchants. Buyer needn't beware, as long as they can hire good counsel.

That's me.

Once I get my groove on. Hopefully I find it after a weekend of much sleep and reading non-law things. Two more days to make it through until then.

1 comment:

Gummy said...

...because you are really ASIAN!!! Admit it!!! Hee hee hee! =)

Ha! Not a one! Middle School teaching versus Law School Teaching? *scoffs* ^_^

The pics of Dayton/you and Cece are so great!!! =) Bring Cece a black doll next time. If not, I'll send one for you to give her, hee hee hee. =)

I LOVED Survivor Cook Islands! It was the only Survivor I watched though, so I don't know how it compares to the others. You knew he would win because YOU ARE ASIAN! Again, it's the internal "YulIsAsianAndMustWin", ha ha ha! But he is not gay. Brad was. =)