Thursday, January 18, 2007

sad day

I knew this day would someday come, but I thought it would be much later. I thought I had time left, years even.

Sigh. I'm over po' boys. I was out tonight and I had that yum catfish po' boy and, well, it just didn't do it for me.

But the good thing that I realized is that there are some really nice people I'm in school with, and none of them have kids - but a number are married, engaged, or otherwise just a nice adult. Which means? That they will SERIOUSLY need to BABYSIT FOR ME FOR FREE! The girls will have so many aunties and uncles it will be so great!

Funniest thing said tonight: "You're like Angelina Jolie!" who we were just talking about, wondering where their new house is and which school they enrolled their kid in. Said in response to, "So, your fiance is Ghanian?" "Liberian. In Ghana." "Oh, is he at the refugee camp where you were?" "Yeah, he's a refugee." "You're just like Angelina Jolie!" "Yeah, except I marry 'em instead of adopt 'em." "And you don't have millions and millions of dollars."

Yeah, and that.

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