Friday, January 19, 2007

M got A's

I have a very nice classmate, M, who is one month younger than me. And he got, so far, 2 A's and 1 A-. Which is awesome - for a few reasons.

First, he is really a genuinely good guy. He finished his bachelor's degree in his 30's, spent a lot of time doing other things. That he's able to do so well is law school is awesome, and I like nice, not geeky, real people rewarded.

Second, for me, this is good news. M definitely worked harder than me all last term, studying all day every day. I took the advice not to study all the time just a little too seriously, and it really wouldn't hurt me to study significantly more. Honestly now, after two weeks, I've maybe spent five hours studying so far. That needs to really change. But it just really heartens me that M was successful with hard work - it wasn't some trick or anything. So, I need to work harder also. NObody wants to tell what their grades are, which I find a little odd. Maybe because I was a teacher and knew and gave grades, it's not so taboo to me.

Of course I just signed up to help out with a bunch of pro bono work - on successions, which are a huge problem here - in part because all the post-Katrina aid requires proof that may not exist. (If you die, who your property goes to.) Anyway, it will be interesting and I like the person in charge - she explains very well - and I really want to finish up my 30 hours (before graduation) of required volunteer work this semester. Because next year I'll be even busier, and hopefully Dayton will be here.

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