Monday, January 22, 2007


I got my Crim Law grade.

And I kept visualizing it as a C, because that's what Ay got and we studied together. So then I would force a visualization as an A-.

It's an A-. So, finally, an A of some sort. So, my GPA is 3.214. Unfortunately I did best in the 3 credit classes and straight B's in the 4 credit classes, so my class ranking is definitely not great - but we won't know it until the end of the year. And, as David said today, "I'm freely admitting, I'm not longer in the running for law review."

OK, that A- helps me a little bit with motivation. But how ironic is it that the class I least liked, and the only class I ever missed, is my only ok grade? Is that a sign to push me into war crimes tribunals? Hm.

K was being a border collie last night, trying to get us all (me and Ay) to study together every day, to be accountable to each other. And I was real noncommittal because I'm not a good social studier and I waste so much time if I'm with other people. (Hm, maybe that's why I like K so much - she reminds me of Selma. I'd never tell her that, but those of you who know Selma know what I mean - she's little but tough, she's smart and likes everybody doing what they need to do, she's bossy but in a way that people don't feel bossed around, she's funny and energetic).

But then I realized, it's good for her, and she needs it. She's been skipping class for the past week and a half, which is NOT usual. She's way bumming about her grades and wondering if she'll stay (she has a full scholarship which she'll lose if her grades don't improve significantly).

And my lack of focus and work can't get any worse than it is right now. So, that's the new plan.

But right now, I'll wrap up some more books to ship. I did post some for less than my time is worth ($5 if that was the going rate) because I want them gone. So of course those are going first, but as the pile diminishes in size, the more content I feel.

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