Monday, January 08, 2007

Who thinks Yul is gay?

I saw Survivor once at Thanksgiving while up at the Yamasaki's, and I got a little hooked. Don't get me wrong - I hate all that reality TV crap, but Yul is yummilicious and I'm glad he won.

How do I know he won?

Because I was wrong - I'm not ready for school to start again. I trudge to class, I sit there - but my heart's not in it. And in interests of avoiding work, I've watched TV on the internet. Caught up on Desperate Housewives, and the new Knights of Prosperity is HILARIOUS.

Hopefully the internet connection holds, because all I want to do for the next few hours is lie on the couch and watch bad TV.

You know how it feels when a limb is amputated? No, of course I don't know personally either. But it must feel something like this, how I feel when apart from Dayton. I'm a mess. He called because I asked him to, and I love hearing his voice.

I can never tell how much of any illness is psychosomatic with me. I really did feel ill in Senegal, but the cold/flu was gone within hours of arriving at Dayton's. And now - is it really some nasty stomach bug that causes the pain, or do I just miss him a golden retriever left in a pick-up?

Only three straight episodes of NCIS can tell.

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