Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I will not email in the middle of the night

Oh, and I forgot the most annoying part of Pompous Ass Professor. When he was grilling me he asked about - I don't remember what, but I said there appear to be two issues in conflict and then said them both. He picked up the first one and hammered on it blah blah blah. Then he said, "You said there were two issues. What is the other one?"

Is this a trick question? I already said it. I stared at him.

"Did you forget?" "Yes, I forgot," I said. Liar. I am JUST like my former students. "OK, well when you think of it in the middle of the night, get up and shoot me an email."

WTF? I'm not getting out of my cozy bed to email PAP. I'm not thinking about him at all outside class ... oh wait, he won that battle. And I am exactly the person who typically emails profs in the middle of the night. Maybe my reputation precedes me already - maybe that's how he knows my name. (I sure hope not.) But I sure as hell am not giving him that satisfaction.

But the lying was good - I made a phone call for Civil Rights Investigation. I am married and a secretary and all sorts of great stuff. She liked me and I'll go look at it as soon as she's back in town. I just can't wait for the day when I get to testify against these racist slumlords.

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