Tuesday, January 16, 2007

path of least resistance

I think my potential new place to live is advertising for somebody else. I recognize her details - she's looking for somebody immediately to be a roommate rather than the housesitting. She recognized my lack of eagerness at roommateness, and I'm really relieved. If she had asked me straight out if I would move in now, I would have hemmed and hawed a lot. This way, I'm off the hook.

I'm really not thrilled about staying where I am until May - the mosquitos, lack of laundry, lack of windows, etc. - but it does seem prudent. If I find a job here this summer, I can find a good place when people leave. If I don't, I can save summer rent by putting everything into storage and going elsewhere. Which means I have lots and lots of books to finish reading, because I am damn sick and tired of packing them up into boxes and hauling them all around.

Today I chatted with another Torts guy who said he was happy with his grade - and it is the same as mine. And he's way smart and studied hard. How did we both get B's? That's messed up.

And I am going to quit my tutoring job, leaving me with no income. I just dread it, and it stresses me out. I'll tell her my grades suck and I have some health issues which require too many appointments (which is true). I just feel bad about doing it. Oh well. I just really, really need to focus on LAW and LAW ONLY.

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