Tuesday, January 23, 2007

choices, choices

Do I:
a) go back to school tonight, in the cold and dark, to read 12 pages of Legal Profession?
b) go to school at 7:30 tomorrow morning to get it done before class?
c) blow it off entirely and drag myself in at 8:30 utterly unprepared?

These are my dilemmas when I leave my books at school. I don't like leaving them there, but I like the backpain even less when I try to carry them. They are huge.

Taking my computer to school adds an element of interest to my classes - I can totally ignore the professor and my classmates and read Liberian Marine news, check airfare, email, etc. I am really, really bad - but I knew I would be. I am still taking copious notes, but sometimes I think, "Huh? What was that?" but oh well. Before my mind used to wander anyway.

Unfortunately, I can also listen with one ear. So when Property Prof (the pompous ass) asked about a case today, I nodded my head. This was as I was mapquesting where I'm going in a couple minutes. Just a nod. There was an instant calling of my first name, and I looked up to see him looking up my last name on the seating chart.

He knows my name? ARGH!! I am so screwed - and I never listen to him or the class - it's way boring and he doesn't give blackline rules, it's all, "Oh, that's interesting," but usually more often just ridiculing people's positions without telling us what's right. And I did read the case, but over a week ago and I don't remember it. And sometimes he words questions strangely so I said straight out several times in our little exchange, "I don't know how to answer that question. What do you want me to say?" I gave attitude. Again. I don't feel well and I don't like him and shoot me already for nodding.

I'm so over being the nice student and helping out the prof. Just leave me the hell alone and let me be invisible.

1 comment:

bellygrrrl said...

I feel the same way today except I want to be invisible from my students.
I had a piece of cake today and pretended it was king cake, but I'm sure it was way grosser.