Sunday, January 21, 2007

sad day

But, the Saints have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. They had a great season and now they know what winning feels like. It was just bad luck they had to play in snowfall in Chicago - nobody unaccustomed to it can catch and throw properly in that cold. And Reggie Bush did a beautiful touchdown and we saw some nice Deuce, so I'm not suicidal.

And I met more nice Metairie people. They tell me houses in their area sell for like $70,000. The mortgage on that, for a three-bedroom house, is less than I pay for rent now. I just so want to own a house again! Ayanna's mother, who was there, has said she will move back once Ay and Norm (who actually would talk Liberian politics with me) have children to watch them (they're getting married this summer) and I was like hey now - what about my kids too? She's great and I would so trust her with my (nonexistent) children. (I'm not jumping ahead of myself - of course I don't have children. But the gynecologist who is due in two weeks said I'll get pregnant within months of wanting to, no worries, so I trust her.) (If Dayton pulls his head out of his ass.)

And, three more books sold, for $40. I'm so into selling everything I own now. Except of course that I don't really own anything of value - so, I'll stick with books. If I sold all the books I own, it would pay for a trip to Africa. And, additionally - much less crap to pack and move next time. And, I'm getting rid of old tape. Which may sound weird to people, but trust me, it's a good thing.

And, I didn't do laundry this weekend, so the next couple days until I can go to the laundromat will be an interesting fashion statement.

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