Monday, January 29, 2007

this is how to get people to volunteer

First, I just wanted to donate some books. The ones that are good books, but only worth about 5 cents on Amazon.

So, I searched around, and saw reference to a public library book sale.

So, I emailed the Friends of the libraries.

The next thing I know I've volunteered to start helping out, and the president and I are emailing hot and heavy and the last thing he wrote was: "I cant wait to meet you!!!!!!!"

Now, I don't want to do a Jenny (that is, immediate and complete aversion to anybody that doesn't have immediate and complete aversion to me), but I gotta say - be a little harder to get.

On the other hand, there's something nice about that.

But why won't the woman at the post office call me "baby" like she does other people? Is it because she hates my big piles of books to mail? Or my lack of regional intonation? Sigh.

So, I went to see my Torts prof and the good news is that I didn't hurt him and won't be charged with battery or assault. The other good news is that I'm not far off in how I'm learning - I'm doing it mostly right. The bad news is, I just need to do it better. Memorize better, answer the questions better. More clearly. Screw the essays and nice wording - I need to write effing lists and boldface the important things. And keep my outline there with it to show professors what they're reading (now I flesh it out and erase it).

And he sat way too close to me. He brought his chair around to sit right next to me, and it was only a matter of minutes before I was literally leaning off the other side of my chair. Personal space, people, personal space. Here is my bubble, so back off. So, I coughed on him. He backed up.

Man, I just really don't think I can take the presidential election bullshit - I really, really hate this shit. There's NO WAY I'm getting a TV now until after November 4, 2008.

I wish we could trust all our candidates. I would be happy with Hilary or Obama or John (Edwards), but none of them will be up there. I just really, really, really don't want another Bush. And as much as I really appreciate Sam Brownback's support of refugees, he's way out there and won't make it far. The thing is, I don't know if it's better or worse that he's a religious zealot. On the one hand, I want to respect his convictions, and I do know (because "I've looked into his eyes" or whatever that dumb Bush quote is) that he means what he says and does. But I really disagree with pretty much all his views that aren't about refugees, and with him as fundamental as he is I don't think we could find common ground. And I find common ground with most people who aren't idiot Torts professors.

It's like when I typed about Amy that she'd never vote for anybody who has an R after the name, Tami told me she's exactly the opposite - would never vote for anybody who has a D after their name.

If all the people that I have conversations with were in a room together trying to have a conversation, there would be bloodshed. So let us just be grateful that no blood was flowing from my Torts prof when I walked out.

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