Friday, July 27, 2007

Dora, the Yamasaki Explorer

I just called Amy for her yummy garlic mashed potato recipe (it's like looking in the sausage factory when I ask the Yamasakis for recipes - things taste good because they're LOADED with fat and calories - no wonder I can gain 8 pounds in a weekend there!). She's down visiting Susan for the weekend with the boys. Wish I were there.

Anyway, they promised Avery many years ago that he could get a dog later. It was set that when Ashton became three and potty trained that they could look at dogs. So, when he reminded them of this, Amy set out looking for the dog for them - and found Dora. Isn't she a cutie?

There are still logistics to work out (such as getting Stephen on board), but it looks good that there will be a new puppy in the family.

Wow. Who of my friends ISN'T going through a major life-changing event now? Babies, puppies, marriages - the times, they are a-changing. Can't wait to get back over to Slidell for more baby time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the words of Ashton: What Da?

I visit your blog once a month and what do I see? I see that you found out I am getting a dog before I did. When the subject came up my first choice was Selma, but Susan wouldn't give her up. (Rather, Otter wouldn't give her up). I guess the dogs we looked at really looked like and reminded us of Selma, so Dora will do. Did Amy send you the photos of her sisters? There is another one named Jaime that you'd swear it was Selma by just looking at the pictures. Problem with her is that she was way too smart and worked us in just the short time we were there.