Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Gail and Shelton: getting married on Saturday! Woo hoo! Aren't they cute ??

Tami: STILL NO BABY! Due any moment. I keep harassing them to keep me updated. Dilated to 5 cm yesterday, and she was out walking to try to induce. She sounds pretty cool ... the only requirement is that it NOT be born when a MALE doctor is on call. Unacceptable, so will not happen. Bekher (their 6-year-old) informed her tonight that he doesn't like the name they chose long ago if it's a boy. She told him that she and daddy had chosen that name together. "But I like Max better. And you're the one having the baby, so why does daddy have a say in it at all?"

Former Student: Has a job and has applied to college, so I'm actually off teacher duty when I visit him and can just enjoy his company and meet his family (never met them before because he was in a foster home, but has moved into his mother's house now, which he proclaims "fucking weird"). He continues to mock my Spanish. Ah, I do miss the humility that comes with teaching teenagers. But mostly what I miss - still - is how he would come into my classroom every morning before school started and we would have a check-in. He would start every workday with telling me what was going on with political rallies for immigration issues and with soccer teams and his personal immigration status, etc. He would make fun of me for a variety of reasons, and he would remind me of the humanity of the students I was working with in that very inhumane school.

How blessed I am to have so many very interesting and diverse friends, whom I meet everywhere from work to airport lines to classes to housing to doing energy audits to volunteering to travel to fixing my weather stripping to friends of friends to childhood. I'm so very particular about my choice of friends, and I'm so fortunate. And what is always amazing to me - and how I know when they are real friends - is how it is to just pick up after a long time as if no time has passed.

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