Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Talia Zain

It didn't take long for me to cross that damn bridge to head over and meet my newest little friend: Talia Zain. She's ever so adorable. I was able to wait awhile, but it wasn't long before I was ripping her out of Tifany's (Tami's sister) arms to hold her for hours. "You're not leaving until Thursday," I reasoned.

I just about tried to take her home with me, but she reminded me that my breasts are deficient to her thinking. So, I'll be back to visit again. Nothing like that new baby smell.

Wow, so many people going through so many things - Gail & Shelton married, Tami & Ahmed with a new baby, and Lara & Sadie expecting twins in December. Life moves forward and how exciting!

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