Thursday, July 26, 2007

I have the cleanest floors in this hemisphere

I'm not bragging. I'm just saying I spent the past hours on my knees with a washcloth and scrub brush. My hands are Pine-sol wrinkled, my knees are pounding with pain - but I have the cleanest floors in this hemisphere.

Take one part "holy shit there's a mouse in my house" and one part major sexual frustration and one part ovulating Virgo and one part "my job is so freaking boring - what else can I do all day" and one part "I want to do physical activity but exercise is so boring." And you too can have the cleanest floors in your area.

In my case, it desperately needed to be done - the previous tenant(s) had cleanliness standards different than mine. I've mopped the floors numerous times - but with a mop. I had to be putting some more elbow grease into it to get the job done right.

Now I have just three more rooms to clean tonight, and tomorrow I will be really able to go to work for real.

Once when he was here the Hot Honduran suggested that my apartment wasn't clean enough and that was causing my insomnia. Not that it's unclean or anything, but I was at that moment telling him not to judge me for not having all my travel gear packed away and for having dirty floors because there's boric acid everywhere and it doesn't work if it gets wet. He said (because he's a man, even if he is a Virgo) that he hadn't noticed but made above suggestion, which reminded me of a man I used to work with, also a Virgo, who couldn't sleep if ANYTHING in his house wasn't spotless and perfectly arranged. Now, I'm clearly not like that - but maybe it has had an impact on me.

Or I'm just so sexually frustrated that I can't sleep. I'll suggest that to him. If he EVER leaves freakin Natchitoches.

Which leads me to Tiffany's recent email, telling me she has to read my blog "after hours" so that her 7-year-olds aren't reading over her shoulder.

Hmmm ... should this be tattooed all over me and everything I do/write?

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